Ai Shimai Futari No Kajitsu Uncensored 2 Subbed
18.65K 1 9
[lol]Ai Shimai Futari No Kajitsu Uncensored 2 Subbed[/lol]
Fukubiki! Triangle Futaba Wa Atafuta 1 Subbed
1.43M 93 482
[lul]Fukubiki! Triangle Futaba Wa Atafuta 1 Subbed[/lul]
Tanetsuke Oji-San To Papakko Jd Saimin Seikatsu The Animation 1 Subbed
293.43K 27 82
Hentaigasm worked without rest to get this sub out to you! Bookmark us for more new releases coming ASAP! [lol]Tanetsuke Oji-San To Papakko Jd Saimin Seikatsu The Animation 1 Subbed[/lol]
when comes the new season?
there is no next season,watch it till the end they say that there won’t be one.
They said that about the second episode too “This is the end.” And lo and behold the Hentai Gods made the Creators their bitch and we have episode three.
I’m just going to wait a year or so for episode four, that how long three took.
(Why you ask? Because the Hentai Gods have other shit to do beside giving us lowly mortals something to fap to, like actually datting real girls to make more Creators so they can make more Hentai for us worthless mortals.)
Yea I know I was contradictive with what I said, the Hentai Gods are contradictive.
What, wanna fight about it? Just remember I have the Hentai God backing me up, so be prepared to get attacked by my pet Tentacle Monster, Guys you have my condolence, Bitchs you knew what you where getting into (Pulls out a camera).
Ha ha nicely put.
REALLLY, that was one long speech you gave there… …if you can’t decide what you want to say then think before you write. ….and second thing why would the hentai gods back you up?….I am sure if I were to ask they would back me too. …:p
Stop bullying watch hentai
i like this more than my chicken
can any one tell me what is the title of the ending song?
Bullying is not good.
The anime was based off some Eroge. According to the original story, the shemale was actually Aihara, the guy from earlier. He was ‘converted’ by hypnotized into taking surgery to change his gender then hypnotized into loving Futoshi. Look at the resemblance in eye and hair color.
Fuck! I knew something was up with her! Damn Futanari love tricked me again!….*sigh* this is what I get for being cool with Shemales sometimes too….*fapfapfapfapfap*
Parents be like, yea boy you can get a sex change surgery, no problem here!
not many hentais with shemales in them
damn she’s hot wait… she got a dick … i’d still do her
yeah I can sort of relate I might fuck her too.
I think it’s good. Story is great! The sex is hot! I love watching him cumming in the girls when they tell him not to… its the best part!
eyes rollin up is not realy. something good.. xd
its more like, well.. fucked silly..
Have you notice that in all the episode they say they don’t like it but you could tottaly notice that they do by there eyes rollin up o-0
That, my friend…
Is called “Rape” and “Ahegeo”
This was nice… I wanted to see if the pinkhaired one actually had the baby
Auto correct on iPad is fucking annoying -_-
Where day funk is promised part 4?! ;-;
So, the herm will get pregnant if he comes inside her virgin ass… WTH???
He hipnotize she to think she can get pregnate if he cum in her ass
this is a bit to crazy for me but good hentai anyway
only one good thing came out of this series, that fat bastard turned into a skinny bastard lol.
LOL true
Well, this happened……….after seeing this…….i just dont know about life anymore
“Bullying isn’t good!” WTF WAS THAT! Y U DO DIS!!!
This is the best series to come out in a while. It has even a fun ending after credits!