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Me: -hears the sound-
Me: Oh, nevermind… ._.
Become a teacher and get paid to teach ( with a daily bonus of sex)
First of all, great story line. Second of all,was that pee or cum? Last of all, BUSTED, DISGUSTED, NEVER TO BE TRUSTED!!! You should apply some ice to that BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!!!!
Haha nice video and stupid war but funny…racists fucks… Yeah i said fuck cause im black but i like asians cause of this kind of entertainment
Too many congos swinging in my jungle
just cut the crap out of it and just injoy=’)
Seriously race war on a hentai site. What in the hell is going on just shut the fuck up and masturbate. That is all
i know it its gakuen saimin reido
is there really a race argument on a hentai website? how the hell did that happen?
Wow. It was great, loved the animation, the music, and all of the scenery. This would be a great “Vanilla” if the pink haired lady didn’t butt in…
After she blackmailed him… SHIT GAWT REEL.
the pink haired girl is gonna get raped or something
but it was a nice vid
Love This movie! More Episodes Please!
take your ten year old ass to sleep -____-
Man I’m just kiddin I’m like fuckin 23 bitch. I felt like saying that kuz I want to and it’s none o yo business fool.
Are you by any chance black? Cause what I learned over the Internet. Black people cannot speak a complete sentence without ” Fuck. Bitch. Ass, Nigger “Nigga foo”. and KFC.
KFC…. lol wtf
Um im black and that honey was extremly rastist i dont go on the internet sounding like a fool and not,all black people talk like that eather so please dont put us all in the same catigory and next tike get your facts straight before speak ignorantly
This really implies that all black cannot speak English properly and even so their spelling is horrendous. Don’t tell me you went to learn English all the way back in Africa before you came to invade the west. Though people could not really see their true intention living in white countries, I can easily noticed that the black people are going to take over the west in near future. First, from music, sports and then through business. There’s nothing that the black cannot do better than the white. Beware all white people, lets take caution of the black progression. Not till you realize that you’ve been a beggar inside your own country, you should control this black future. Let the apartheid began once more.
yo im black and we aren’t taking over you white people give us everything because u dont want us in power. you as a people want control over everything u white devil. you talk about blacks but where the hell is the white people’s culture. you as a people dip n dab in every other culture but your own
but i forgot u hav no culture
Dude, no. Just no.
There isn’t a secret meeting of white peoples asking themselves how to isolate black from power…
And… Why the fuck are we talking about poletics when you should be here to fap.
But there are a bunch of ‘coloured’ people in Ireland. When I was going to the airport, some black woman rubbed her rotten dry feet using lotion in the public… LIKE WTF
You are a dumb fucking redneck who is jealous of black people because they are more successful than you… And I hope you get jumped by some black guys you fucking cunt
Know your history because first of all the west was not even yours it was the Native Americans. You basically came from North East , East , and brought all of you carcasion friends with you. Then you took all of us blacks out of our own country (Africa) ,and brought us to the West to do your slave work because you guys where to lazy to pick your own cotton .Know your damn history before you start talking about invading .
Bro honestly I’m black too but when ur trying to make a point, at least spell properly my nigga. “Carcasion” and “Rastist” had me dying the most bruh.
Hey I have a great idea… wanna hear it its called, me not caring
Btw what does ANY of this have to do with watching hentai…
Race war on a hentai site. MARVELOUS. JUST MARVELOUS
The first scene is exactly as one of madoka’s scenes, even the girls
look pretty much the same lol.
O.O I know all now…
Nice anime\hentai loved it