My New Mother Is Russian Im Sleeping With Her Without Telling My Dad The Motion Anime 1 Subbed
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[lul]Eroge! H Mo Game Mo Kaihatsu Zanmai 6 Subbed[/lul]
This is fucking crazy
The series is fucked up and everyone knows it. Btw. If you’re brave bought. Go ahead and play the original eroge cuz that’s like 1000 times fucked up than this hentai version and I’m not gonna play it
My boner watch half of the first episode and booked a flight while sheer curiosity took control. I do not feel ok watching all of this in one go. I feel sick to my stomach.. from what I understand this was originally a MUCH MUCH darker visual novel that was adapted to a hentai. Each episode ends with a dark ending, I think. Like the wrong end of a VN. I has to block the screen sometimes with how fucked and cursed this series is,l… I CAN NOT imagine what the VN is like and question anyone who would get off to it
But i watched the 6 episodes
Bruh this is too Fucking weird
I don’t get the whole story of the game then wtf happen next
They live happily ever after.
Anyone can tell me about the whole thing that is going on who is mc and who is villain or what is real and who is not
What the fck is happening I don’t understand at all the stuff or even the plot of the story tell me the name of the game please
WTF has the world come to ?! this series is for hentai what 177013 is for doujin manga
and this world is at a whole new crazy-fuck-what the hell-holy shit-nesss
the future looks quite chaotic, as if the present wasn’t enough
Finding the best ending for this hentai:
Glasses girl = don’t even know the bitch. Next thing I knew she’s just…dead.
Nemu= bitch
Rinne = his and her mother’s child which are psycho bitches that it is obsessed over some false belief and also just love Keisuke because of his dick, “it feels so good” she says and she’s only willing to have sex with him because she still hoping that she’ll give birth to the savior next, and that his dick is so good apprently shows from the faces she made while she’s getting fuck by him, her own father.
Loli = ungrateful, whiney, annoying af
Sensei = she didn’t have any special relation with Keisuke other than being his sensei and key to the freedom from the white room
Kanae =sweet, his childhood best friend which makes her the one that knows and cares for him the most. Best girl in hentai, and she genuinely loves Keisuke and not because of his dick. She ain’t slut either.
Have you fucking watched episode 5
Honestly Rinne had the best ending and deserves a happy end after all the fucked up shit that happened to her in episode 3 and she genuinely loves her father, yeah his dick felt good because it took her virginity and she’s crazy because of her belief in the prophecy but she developed feelings for him before she rode his cock for 9 months straight and milked his penis to get pregnant.
Dub please
go fuck your dad fag
I stopped mid fap by episode two because the store line got my attention. I get that this is multiple ending based. Though we are missing a few episodes or the game files in the blanks. They skipped over the part when he is laying hammer fist to one of the girls face. Also there is minimal explanation of those group death shots. Fack…I want a store now damnit
I think whoever it is who made up the story better hit up on the horror/physiological movies selections for director or story writer because this stuff is so horrifically fucking good and make it looked so disturbing for young viewers I actually didn’t get any sleep after watching the whole episodes.
Can someone explain to me what’s the deal w/ Euphoria?
So from my understanding episodes 1-4 are different route endings while 5 and 6 are the 2nd cour of the first route depending on how you portray Nemu, right? but this doesn’t clear one thing. How come there are two Rinne endings?
There are two Rinne endings, episode 3 was the bad end even though she got pregnant anyway while in episode 6 she got pregnant but they escaped and raised a family together.
Well guess there’s room for dark humor
Why do I got a feeling that this is not over.
this has got to be the weirdest thing i’ve ever seen 2/10 did not fap
Good I’m glad that bitch gets fucked for 3 days I hope she fucking dies fucking bitch hope they chop off her arms and legs too
Shit you right
The series ending doesn’t make any sense. Wasn’t Kanae supposed to be Keisuke’s love interest?
This is all based off a game, everyone has an route and ending. And if I’m not mistaken the true ending is with Nemu.
But Rinne got two endings, right? so I also want to know what’s the real deal of the story. Just forget about the ending for now.
As from my understanding. Rinne is a part of a cult as well as Kanae but from a different one. Nemu is a part of a research team. Keisuke is a normal fuckboi. Glasses girl is a fodder who will die no matter which route player chooses. Sensei and loli are just pulled into the chaos.
Also…just how old is Keisuke if Rinne mentioned that her mother raped him….
Yeah man and how is his daughter still in high school and so as him ? Dafug
Keisuke was around 5 years old when the mother raped him so he is probably 17 years old.
If Keisuke and Kanae are childhood friends. The yrs. doesn’t add up.
peenoise fag chink
Yes. But his love for her is so fragile that he eventually fell in love w/ other girls as the story progresses in each route. There’s not even a single good ending w/ Kanae as a heroine. The rest of the girls got one.