February 28, 2013

Hentai: Euphoria

Genres: , , ,

2.61M 804


  • Going 4 It All 11 years ago

    Let me check da vid

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Wait anyone else got the feeling she had something to do with it in the first place

    • vladimir 11 years ago

      i think the first girl he fked was responsible for the entire twisted game.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    omg lmao he shit in her mouth

  • Although my question is why’d she keep the pregnant girl alive?

    • Curse 11 years ago

      Why wouldnt she the two girls who followed the rules are alive and the four who didnt are dead. Seems logical too me or did you not watch the first episode? The school council president died as an example of what happens when you dont follow the rules. The guy killed the other three himself by not choosing them. Pretty cut and dry story right here.

      • Coolwhip 11 years ago

        The story is not cut and dry they didn’t animate the fucking story. What you saw in these two episodes don’t directly lead to those last shots and Nemu being a doctor. I don’t know why they decided to add those at all since it really misdirects people to believing that’s how the story flows when it doesn’t. They basically cut out most of the game.

  • This is fucked up even for my tastes

  • Zero° 11 years ago

    Ok who did not see the final ending comming the second I saw the bitch I was “don’t trust her “,”she is evil”, look at her evil eyes fuck. Who ever said “and they lived happily ever after” FUCK YOU this story is diffrent every one died the girl was pregnet the guy lost his head “mentally” while one girl was decapitated other one drowned and one I don’t now why cut in half plus the girl was tortured she really ate shit and fucked brutally just for every one to die at the end. Wow

    • Pies *Q* 11 years ago

      Yep, it was one messed up hentai…

      • Uhhh... sick. 11 years ago

        this what hentai made for. A twisted and forbidden story

  • Zero° 11 years ago

    Is he hulk because he just riped cloth(or whatever her clothes are made of) like it was paper who ever can do that with out using force and make it look that simple must be fucking hulk.

  • miyakie 11 years ago

    The people who made Please Rape Me! Also made this. And another one that has to do with video games. Its easy to spot because of the art work and in Please Rape Me! The girl with the white hair was watching Euphoria on the second episode and there were posters in the hentai video store for euphoria o: just saying o.o

  • the laundryman 11 years ago

    What the in the name of hentai did I just watch? …… Yup now I need to watch one of those romantic hentais to get my mind of this.. any suggestions?

  • That guys is a different person in the other room.

  • Falcon Punch 11 years ago

    Hey not as disgusting as 2 girls 1 cup.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Number 1 i knew nemu was up to something
    2. How the hell they get tails

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    GO to Gelbooru thay have a whole set of pictures how the other girls died and get fucked up :/ trust me coz i first saw those pic on gelbooru and ended up here :/

  • after watching this I am about 2 vomit and the ending was gross as fuck the people how made this are fucking SICK AS FUCK (!!!!!!!!DO NOT WATCH THIS !!!!!!!!!)

    • ???????? 11 years ago

      your all weak

      • Big pervert 11 years ago

        its really not that bad. we’ve all seen worse.

      • Curse 11 years ago

        Weak is right, Fantasy- you are in a simalar situation what would u rather do?, save your friends lives by raping them or let them die? Theirs an obvious answer here people, rape them and save their life

    • Pies *Q* 11 years ago


    • Pies *Q* 11 years ago

      You have one weak stomach…

  • MrZozan34 11 years ago

    OOOOOOOKAY!!!!! I skiped to the end to see what all this shit was about, I don’t k ow if I want to watch hentai anymore, I shed a tear it was so fucked up, I mean who the hell faps to this, goddamn this was so fucked up!!

    • Holyschiit 11 years ago

      fapping while watching this hentai?
      ain’t nobody got time fo that!

    • I do. Stuff like this doesn’t phase me, since I’m so desensitized to blood/gore/violence/rape/etc. Although, the “human toilet” scene was pushing it for me. I actually wanted to play the game, but no english patch yet. /sadface.

  • messup 11 years ago

    this is one creepy ending in a hentai

  • Painless 11 years ago

    Im a chick i watched this ended up more tuned on then i should have been, oh well~ not like anyone will ever know~

  • How did they end up like that? WTF?! That’s why I always say “NEVER MESS WITH WOMEN” they are insane! So the ending is that the girl set the whole thing, and the guy went mad?

  • thegirlypandagirl 11 years ago

    No no no I personally have a thing for rape and stuff… but…. this is torture!!!!! The first episode I thought when the first girls died I was going to pee my pants! Then I watched the second one and they wanna pull some human centipede shit!?! But… my biggest problem was the final stage. Ill be DAMNED if I let someone eletricute me! And then he raped her? No. I didn’t even know there was stuff after the credits until I saw the comments. Now… ive been Mind fucked. If ur reading this….. DO NOT FUCKING WATCH THIS ENTIRE THING!! ESPECIALLY IF U ARE A GIRL. Mindfucked.

    • Pies *Q* 11 years ago


  • ----' 11 years ago

    I don’t really know why. But after wacthing this it just makes my blood boil.

    I guess I am not a sadist.

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