Mahou Shoujo Noble Rose The Animation 1 Subbed
97.05K 0 13
[lol]Mahou Shoujo Noble Rose The Animation 1 Subbed[/lol]
Lets Go Taima Miko The Motion Anime 2 Raw
34.73K 0 67
[lol]Lets Go Taima Miko The Motion Anime 2 Raw[/lol]
Shigokare Ecchi Na Joshi Daisei To Doki X2 Love Lesson!! 1 Subbed
690.67K 10 277
[lol]Shigokare Ecchi Na Joshi Daisei To Doki X2 Love Lesson!! 1 Subbed[/lol]
Poor coach. 97 rounds to go
What is that weird beep I’ve heard once or twice during this series, especially during the last two episodes?
Practically every time I hear the word “assistance”…