August 3, 2018

Hentai: Dokidoki Little Ooyasan

Genres: ,

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  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    good midget porn

  • newone 6 years ago

    kinda wish there was a blowjob sence

  • Hey Stfu 6 years ago

    Watch out fuck u she liked it u cunt if u dont like this then leave cunt

  • watch out... 6 years ago

    This is a warning to everyone who watches this and likes this. First, you will be pleasuring yourself to this video. Then, you will be looking at kids on the street. Next, you will start interacting with those kids. Next thing you know, you will either be in an inappropriate situation with them or being on a stool with Chris Hansen. With this visualization, i can conclude that everyone who watches this shit and likes it is a fucked up bitch ass who likes kids. You should be ashamed… I suggest you stop watching this or the next thing you see are those red and blue lights next to your house… If you have no plans of stopping, you are a trash individual and you should eat shit and die.

    • Anon-Master 6 years ago

      And you must be the bitch that made your choice being here acting tough and know better cry me a river punk and take note to just kill yourself. Again if you dont like hentai even if it is weird and cant comprehend the writing of the author or people giving you points of the animation go fucking watch something else you trash ass punk. Watch out everybody he trying to make a false point of his ideal taking it so damn serious.

    • Anonymous Again 6 years ago

      That’s YOUR opinion on people who watch Lolicon, but I have one of my own for anyone that likes lolicon. I think it’s okay to like Lolicon as though it can lash out into a bad habit if you cannot control yourself. I know you are giving us your opinion and I think that’s ok but don’t go assuming that everyone who likes lolicon is a pedophile.

    • Anonymous Again 6 years ago

      Also if Hentaigasm had a upvote and downvote button and a sign-in and login, I would rain a goddamn hurricane of downvotes on your comment as your opinion is wrong. There is a line between Lolicons and Pedophiles. Lolicons love/like lolis and may be willing to lewd or protecc them and see lolis as only a 2d figure as she is not a real girl. Pedophiles on the other have a tendency to do about anything to children, be that: Rape and kidnapping/attempt to kidnap. Lolicon does not hurt anyone as it is a 2d little girl but in anime form and IS NOT a part of reality.
      May I also add that you will do better to correct your assumptions before posting them as I have said that not every Lolicon is a pedophile.
      May the flames guide thee~

      • Anon-Master 6 years ago

        Amen Anonymous Again, I get the quote from the second post and know what you mean but the problem of people today that did capture their minds going into lolicon made them go wtf moments. I also wanted to add into the difference between reality and 2d but which you are right anonymous again it does not hurt anyone. I didn’t make myself into a pedophile but enjoying out of bliss just to do bat-stuff crazy on me. But in consolidation people take it too seriously like “watch out” said so he was punk and have his on ideal trying to make people avoid stuff and you said that’s your opinion. People just need to have the right mind before quoting and taking it seriously.

        • Chili sauce 4 years ago

          Get a Life faggot and stop complaining as if you’re better than others

    • I think the only pedophile over here is you if that is 1 to 1 your personal experience, lol. I don’t think anyone will be attracted to kids because of fapping to this lmao.

      • This loli is basicly a milf so it actually somewhat is doing the opposit to me.

    • This is a perfect example of a slippery slop fallacy.

    • somefag 6 years ago

      Dude, there’s nothing that correlates lolicon to pedophilia, I’ve never once found myself attracted to children even as a child all my crushes were older then me, I’m not even interested in girls a few years younger then me, let alone literal children. Every Lolicon I’ve ever met is the exact same, for god sake part of the anime community is purely into 2d girls. If you want to go shame actual pedophiles the furry community is ripe with them, I don’t doubt there are lolicon pedos but they’re not the majority.

  • Johannesvonmalos 6 years ago

    I am not convenced that the 20 year old Loki isn’t a vampire who gains power through sex. I can see that coming.

  • Anonymous 6 years ago


  • Giggs 6 years ago

    Um…hello? someone get the fuckin cops already!

  • Ronald Mcfuckstick 6 years ago

    Loli Sloot

  • a normie 6 years ago

    FBI open up

  • that’s pretty gooooooOoDd

  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    Is this a Loli Hentai?

  • User? 6 years ago

    When you know lolis are not legal so you create a mid 20 landlord but you make her body look like a loli
    Hacks in a nutshell.

  • Rapehentailover 6 years ago

    Shes such a cutie

  • What. 6 years ago

    I didn’t quite get the ending could someone explain it too me?

    • Anonymous 6 years ago

      She fucks everyone who rents from her

    • Anonymous 6 years ago

      Pretty much, she only allows tenants of the building to sleep with her if they pay their rent on time. So in the end she tricked him to pay more than what his rent is because she gave him extra service. You follow?

  • did she just fucking extort him

  • Dafuq 6 years ago

    Best loli hentai, because she’s legal ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

  • That Guy On TV 6 years ago

    Nothing’s hotter than a thirsty loli

  • Screaming Goat 6 years ago

    Garbage Ending. FUCKING Whore.

  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    Jail here i cum

    • F.B.I. 6 years ago

      F.B.I OPEN UP!!!!! Wait what….. she’s legal…. but…. my epic entrance though……. well shit anyone want chili fries I’m buying

    • Anonymous 6 years ago

      I’m weak lol

  • No blowjob thats sad

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