Translated fully by Ryushi! 7 hours of work!
Bookmark us for more Motion Anime subbed, only here!
Translated fully by Ryushi! 7 hours of work!
Bookmark us for more Motion Anime subbed, only here!
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Ryushi are you work part 2?
The last 3 subbed were milf, any chance we could get something different next?
Ryushi is in charge of translating these, he listens to any requests so if you have an idea.
Can you post the raw version? I’m trying to read the japanese subtitles for learning purposes.
You can find the raw online in many places if you google the name
Can you sub more motion animes
good stuff, more mom son stuff kudasai
is part 2 ever coming ?
I haven’t seen a part 2 personally, if I am able to find it i’ll definitely work to get it subbed
I have located part 2, however it’s difficult to download, which is required to get it subbed, we’ll see what happens if I can get it downloaded or not
I will download that one if the Torrent from Hentaisun fails, thanks so much admin!
Torrent worked fine, which is surprising cause they are usually terrible lol, but no it works just fine, I will work on translating this one first if you don’t mind, then work on the Russian one, I might have more than a day of free time, the new hires are putting in good work now that they have been trained properly, and I have a secretary now to keep an eye too, so things are looking up, hopefully haha!
Yea it’s nice to have a continuity to this. I’m sure the next one will be pretty popular like this one, thanks!
Are you work on part 2
Try sukebei, alot of torrents there and easy to get
Thanks for the translation! Your efforts were worth it, this material is excellent.
I thought the material was great as well, I am glad you enjoyed it, I enjoyed translating it!
A big thank you to Ryushi, a regular commenter here, for translating this. We couldn’t have done this without him for sure. And the timing was great, didn’t have to proofread much.
It was a fun translation, glad my timing was better, I found that if I take off .150 each time from where I stop it it’s nearly perfect every time, will be doing that in the future as well!
Ya that happened to me too, I realized if I just move the beginning a bit to the left of where I want it, it somehow matches much better haha
and what do you think of working on this next? It’s extremely popular for some reason
i put the raw copy on /lol
That’s actually the one I was figuring on doing, it’s popular due to it’s animation style more than anything else, other MAs should take notes lol, there were 2 requested but not as popular so i’ll probably end up doing those at a later time