February 8, 2014

Hentai: Bust To Bust

Genres: , , , , ,

1.41M 243


  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    i wanna be him

  • toasty 10 years ago


  • Try real porn you idiots

    • Porn doesn’t have a story line, Hentai does…

      • Onaga 10 years ago

        Yes it does. That’s why I call it “good porn.” Normal porn is only good for getting off, and the interest is lost as soon as the act is complete. Hentai however, is the only type of porn that due to its story even after one gets off it is still enjoyable to watch. Thus, it’s “good porn.”

        WTF is just a hentai hater. You’d be best to keep in mind that just because you don’t like it, it doesn’t mean that those of us that like it are idiots. And no, I have nothing against normal porn. But I stand by my statement that hentai is “good porn” and normal porn is not. Hell, hentai is more often than normal porn actually funny. Hentai is beautiful, plain and simple. If you don’t like it, then back the fuck off and watch normal porn, let the rest of us here enjoy the beauty of hentai. I rest my case.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Z checked

  • so how have a women look for some fun to day ps im a boy

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I would give anything for that to be me

  • YuukiLovesYou 10 years ago

    Anyone wanna do foreplay act ? I wanna cum real good

  • What Makes U wet tell Me make me Cum .

  • Big dick 10 years ago

    … Well that is um… Hot

  • Vash XD 10 years ago


  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    the easiest way to enter the world of highly detailed 3D anime: 1 plane ticket to china.

  • TheSwedishChef 10 years ago

    send me any pics you’ve got

  • TheSwedishChef 10 years ago

    anyone have any nice pussy pics

    I’m horny as fuck.

  • I am never getting a life they got something i can never get sex i have to wait 3 years

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      well where i am you can have sex at 12 so come to australia everyone so you can have sex at young ages

      • Dude, you're lying. 10 years ago

        No you can’t. I’m Aussie and it’s pretty much illegal to have sex under the age of 18.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      dont, complain. if youve been laid even once, you are already further than i am.

  • nolife 10 years ago

    I want to sit on a h ard cock is it ok if im a guy

    • gay mofo 10 years ago

      that’s just fine! it’s called “gay”, where you are attracted to the same sex, if you still find women attractive, then you’re bisexual.
      i can’t say much about liking guys, because i’m a lesbian (which is when a girl is attracted to girls).

    • Just Sayin 10 years ago

      Sitting on chickens is not okay.

  • Beast101 10 years ago

    As much as I want to hate him, I can’t he’s one lucky SOB!

  • Ho-Lee-Xhit 10 years ago

    How can i download this ?

  • Super Saiyan!!!! AHHHH! XD 10 years ago

    lucky guy

  • horny girls snap me shorterthanlife

  • BadGod 10 years ago

    The Force will be with you

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