Enjoy this subbed and HD! Thanks to Sakuracircle.
We didn’t sub this but will the next round of new releases!
Enjoy this subbed and HD! Thanks to Sakuracircle.
We didn’t sub this but will the next round of new releases!
90.05K 30 46
U oh! Sensei caught them, I can smell blackmail…
Dang. It’s been almost a month and they still don’t have them subbed yet. I wonder if they’re taking too many vacation days.
I know right. Usually these types of episodes take at a week or 2 but it’s like the assembly work line took a big halt for some reason.
I’m telling ya. Hentai uploads have been slower than usual. I don’t know what’s going on but we have no way of finding out reasons or how soon we have to await. I don’t know how hentaigasm does this. They managed to have these translated for us. But all we can do is wait for the time comes.
The 1 uploader disappeared and the other 1 has been getting them late. If other people are so upset about it, they can get it themselves and hand over to admin here to sub to share or something
Don’t say like that. People are impatient now a days. Especially, the ones that are clueless on certain updates. It’s better to believe that they have enthusiasm instead.
They are website that already sub it ,3 and 4 (forgot the name,looks like the subber also new one
Link the site here and we can look
It seems to be in spanish, I found an english one but we will just wait for sakuracircle, next wave of releases we will likely sub it all.
It’s AnimeIDHentai
Looks like waiting for sakura do the job… they not as fast as admin tho…
yall forgot this one
Yes we might wait for Sakuracircle, some things came up and we needed to focus on other things
It’s probably best not to put up episodes before the subs are out from now on or you just have people complain. I myself would like the subbed but seeing everyone complain is childish like you don’t translate this. So calm down, but also don’t say something will be out a certain day then not have it out. You’ll get burnout.
Wheres the sub…
Bro when ?
Hello admin may i know the status since many ask here?
Looks like its a scam again…
Hi admin is the sub not finish yet?
not yet
Estimate when?
How about the status right now?
Ahhh still rsw maybe not the right time i guess
I understand over 50% of this in raw!
well, it’s july 26th. still in preview. will continue to wait.
Stfu retrds. It”ll be up when it’s up. That’s the release date, not the upload date. Learn the difference you brain dead pathetic losers.
dis sh!t was already release and sub on the other side sites
Not itzz not fucktard. That’s episodes 1&2 that are already subbed. This is ep 3&4 that just came out.
these 4 episodes are gonna be 10/10 cant wait for june -july
ep1 2 3 and 4 was a great anime story no doubt i love it and how it end and now the sensei is going to be part of his harem soon