March 18, 2013

Hentai: Bible Black

Genres: , , , , ,

1.41M 285


  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    its good to know minase’s spell failed. it just goes to show you can’t stop true evil

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      This is a hentai doesn’t really change the fact it’s as tucked up as any other Anime and only pussy hero’s lose the best of the best always win bitchessssssssssssss

  • Dead pool 10 years ago

    White boys always got to be the ones to call somebody a nigger have you forgotten the president is black

  • mr big d 10 years ago

    i wouldnt want someone puttin there tounge in my ass

  • journeyinashes 10 years ago

    the animation is way too detailed,the plot is fucked up and this whole thing doesn’t make sense to me…I was happy an all to watch this without it being censored but I cant even watch this,it doesn’t make sense

    • anonymoose 10 years ago

      so you watch hentai for sense not the porn? genius

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Watch all of it episode 1 through 6

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      It makes perfect sense if you take time to learn latin,
      and most importantly, japanese culture.

    • Wtfyoudoin 10 years ago

      Journy what are you two? Go back to 1st grade becuase you skip episodes because you atenshion is 0

  • crappy 10 years ago

    a bit crappy ending. it would be cool if when he was chanting the spell. the devil woman to shout to him with demonic voice “do you think your mere chit chatting can stop me? throw him telepathetically away and fuck the girl’s brains out. of course i know she possesess imari actually, as seen later in bb new tastement…

  • they need to remake this with better art the bodies are far too detailed

    • brina 10 years ago

      what does that even mean? TOO detailed? If you’re referring to how the bodies look in the basement, at night, etc, it’s supposed to be shadowed. It’s different but the art isn’t bad at ALL.

  • kanra 10 years ago

    looks like she’s been *puts on sunglasses * dicking around

    • That one guy 10 years ago

      That girl really got a (puts on sun glasses) bum deal…

  • unknown 10 years ago

    this is shit funny

  • hiram 10 years ago

    I wan’t more episode’s

  • lesbian 4 life 11 years ago

    i want that girl into me, i want her to be my first

  • Sylzar 11 years ago

    Chill the fuck out and bust some nuts guys. Not that hard. Can’r believe people want perfect plot in hentai smh


  • Iceyy 11 years ago

    Bible Black was “wtf” from beginning-to-end.
    I’m fine with Futa, its just that this was like… Fuckin…what?

    That Plot Tho

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I cum when I see this video.

  • Fuck fuck fuck and fuck till the end -_____-

  • Jesus Christ 11 years ago

    Fuck off

    • Satan 11 years ago

      @Jesus Christ fine, you dont have to be so rude about it, jesus christ Jesus

      • Inbetweener 10 years ago

        Ok, @satan and @jesus Christ you can both shut up now. Thanks! < 3

        • Anonymous 10 years ago

          Hey satan why dont u fuck jesus in the ass

          • Nmyph o man\Cum 10 years ago

            I want to Fuck Bi girl or Lesbian girl in the ass
            with a hot cock

            • Nmyph o man\Cum 10 years ago

              I want a Kinki girl that would pee on my cock
              wile I Fuck her it feels so awesome when U Cum.
              try it men U can’t believe how amazing it feels.

          • Nmyph o man\Cum 10 years ago


    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Tell ehm though! Evil bitchessssssssssssss

  • It's hentai get over it. 11 years ago

    You’d expect this to have a good storyline? Pretty much it’s telling F you evil wins. Idc obviously most of us aren’t here to be entertained. Stop your wining this wasn’t made to satisfy your fine-plot desires.

  • cummy 11 years ago

    It’s messed up how he saved her and shit AND a devil takes over her body and the real her is seeled inside never to get out like wut part of the show did she turn into a monster like come on this shit made me mad

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      chill man kitami was sealed in imari’s body. She leaves it at the end of new testament

  • Crap so the blonde bitch wins

  • As add 11 years ago

    Everything they did gone to waste worst hentai ever

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