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First one was nice, but the other girls hardly felt like rape. Finally some hernia girls with huge a huge ass do
Lots of tits lots of ass little waist cute face. This is what hentai should be
Pretty good
As long as no one gets tortured.
More, i like these kind of hentai
Anyone else had problems with the audio cutting in and out?
One of the best hentais ever I just love it when the girls go crazy
This hentai has the most Ass and tits I’ve seen in a while
the last girl was most ass than anything, used like 50% of the body xD
. . . . .
That moment when you realised you’ve read the source material.This was an adaptation I never expected, but it turned out great.
this is so fucked up… im ashamed
you should hang yourself in shame since you’re here fapping to cartoons.
what sort of faggot are you
Stfu gay ass nigga, wtf u doin commenting on a cartoon porn website. Shoot yaself bitch.
Mother fucker I wach all times of porn even porn images bitch you should shoot yourself because bitch you stupid
This sounds like a fight between children…
Y’all some hypocrites…
Why would you call him gay if his is waching porn like wtf are u stupid or something
Nigga i no u are not calling people a foggot mother fucker wtf is wrong with u
Y’all niggas are dumb. Stfu, lmao.
And this is how someone who has never interacted with a person or any form of media thinks people react to rape. Marvelous.
actually when all is said and done by U.S. law this video is a example of rape, and before anyone gets ideas no i’m not a law enforcer, i just have a personal vendetta against my stepfather for rapping my sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hes so lucky i wish i could rape her too:(
Good rap is awesome
Three things.
1) From the way you type, you are clearly too young to be on this sight.
2) If thats true, thats awful. That should never happen to a real person.
3) Those that are replying to you are either completely without the ability to differentiate between reality and fiction or they are sick perverts who should be locked up.
Site* damn autocorrect. And Point 2 refers to the replies above me.
Salty loser
What is the pointof saying that when itthe same so nigga are you stupid or just a person who likes porn so i,m just saying shut the fuck up
no one cares
First of all you need to call the cops. Second of all why would you tell us if we can’t do shit for you?
rekt did he cream into her to◢████◣
█ >_ < █
Oh shit
These comments are funny
These comments are too much, smh
Eh, I loved this. I liked the manga as well I hope they complete it.
I dont think anybody is gonna watch this and think fuck yeah ill rape someone on the train I’m pretty sure those people would rape someone without seeing any hentai
You aren’t understanding this point at all
finally some good stuff
This is why the new generation is fucked
This is why this is hentai. It’s non realistic which is a good thing. Every girl he fucked wanted to get fucked. They were overly horny. There is no way school girls are gonna want to fuck a train molester. They gave consent on that bus in the hentai which wasn’t even rape. But that’s unrealistic as fuck. The girls would’ve screamed from a molester. I’m a dude and even i think that’s not right. It’s technically making women objects in this. It’s gonna make kids think it’s alright to rape and molest. Thank the parents who let them get on the internet. There is nothing wrong with this hentai at all cuz it is merely hentai but since we have little bastards watching it (which they shouldn’t be) it’s gonna put it in their head that it is alright to do this
you know i agree with you @CallMeSkeptical
Thanks man
I also agree callmeskeptical
But you do realise that regular porn does the exact same thing, right?
I’m not saying it’s any different from regular porn. It’s exactly the same but in hentai they can do whatever they want. You don’t see real porn where their are orcs fucking someone and eating them at the same time or someone is fucking their eye hole do u? That shit is disgusting.
There is tons of rape hentai. Why is this one and exception? There is literally no point to your comment. There are always gonna be “Little bastards” watching, they watch porn as well, and to that I can only say “Congrats lol”. No one is gonna rape anybody because of a fucking hentai. If someone raped someone, they did it because they are a sick fuck not because they saw it on TV or something.
An exception*. I meant an, not and. Piss off.
Also it is supposed to be “and” not “an” you dumbass
Every rape one is an exception. You see just because we aren’t dumbasses now doesn’t mean we weren’t before. When we were little kids we BELIEVED everything and anything as children when watching things or being told things. Whats gonna be the difference with the new generation. Our generation didn’t have such a means as online porn. The internet was still forming at the time. Now kids have phones and computers and tablets thanks to their parents and they have means to find this crap. I’m not saying they’ll find it on purpose but they will find it by accident from a mistype of from a friend who is fucked up.
I think you’re being a dumbass no? In my generation the interent was just starting. Youtube barely became a thing and everything. I’m saying now little jerk offs like you have access to things they should not have access to. It’s corrupting their minds dumbass, yet you don’t seem to understand. And i bet you anything there might be another dumbass waiting to text something stupid like u just did.
Dude are you stupid? In the mid 2000’s the internet was still being formed. Youtube became a thing too on the internet. It was new to everything. I can’t tell if there was or was not online porn because I didn’t go to check. SORRY. But i am most likely sure people were still using magazines
Don’t take shit from these stupid cunts man. You the man for saying important stuff on this site.
Thanks man. I appreciate it
You have to admit that most of the people here are not mentally “ok” in the head. Who knows, this hentai vid probably influenced them to enact the same shit…who knows.
dit me may