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  • harambe 8 years ago

    This episode was sadder than my death :(

  • Eggman 8 years ago

    Maybe I can create attractive robots instead of combat robots. Hm..

  • Tails 8 years ago

    Guys I think she got pregnant.. WAIT WHY AM I HERE!

    • Inbreeding? 8 years ago

      If so, that baby is gonna have problems. He fucked with his sister now he partly ruined the life of a baby. Incest is a bitch! They couldn’t even afford to have a child. smh

      • I found that there’s a 75% chance a product of incest will be normal.

        • Anonymous 3 years ago

          Brother/sister incest is the worst you can do, as consanguinity is 50% if they are full-blood siblings. The only greater risk is if your kids are products of several generations of first-cousin marriages, because you keep shuffling and reshuffling the same old worn-out genetic deck *coughcoughkingcharlesIIofspaincoughcough*

    • Nick Lerson 8 years ago

      good fucking joke and were’s fucking sonic

  • Knuckles 8 years ago

    I don’t know man… that strawberry part made me cringe.

  • Sonic 8 years ago

    Mmm… wish I had a sister like that.

  • RisingMist 8 years ago

    What the fuck even was that shit! It was so bad it was good, and managed to make me laugh without trying

  • I wish my brother would fuck me like that.

    • So, you’re like a daddy’s girl but in brother form. Well, I can be your brother. lol ;-D

  • this shit hit me hard 8 years ago

    didnt expect to get hit with the feels. I almost cried

  • WellThen 8 years ago

    Incest is Wincest

    • ForThatIAm 8 years ago

      More like Sinfest. That’d actually make a good title. A sinful festival that infested society!

  • Another One? 8 years ago

    This was pretty lame too. The first scene of episode 3 was the only part that was good!

  • For an instant i feeled bad and sad ’cause the girl was leaving but, y’know… I can’t feel sad or bad seeing that guy crying and fucking her sister in a park at the same time…

  • The feels! 8 years ago

    The part where he cried I cried but busted out laughing when she said she finally knew how to spell her name good hentai loved it

  • Nigger 8 years ago

    My boy harambe better be in this hentai.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    This guy is a god, no human can withstand that many nutz in a session. Someone giv him a gold metal

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Rip I watch Hentai to read the comments

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Prank gone wrong (gone sexual) AKA the strawberry part

  • My groose is loose \(Ó¿Ó)/ 8 years ago

    Fuck logic have sex wherever you want.

  • Game of Shame 8 years ago

    XD. He cried after lmaooooooo

  • Anonymous 8 years ago


  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Theyre gonna have some explaining to do, that dress was a freaking rental.

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