Translated 100% by Ryushi! Special thanks to him!
Bookmark us for more motion anime subbed, only here!
Translated 100% by Ryushi! Special thanks to him!
Bookmark us for more motion anime subbed, only here!
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Can we get more motion anime with subs such waste of potential
It’s not really worth it to sub these, so doing so will just take a lot of effort and time for little return, but will try in future for the viewers.
yes some older motion anime are being bumped up for new viewers
It’s missing the anal tag
thanks for this milf work from survive, cant wait to see more survive milfs translation in the future
the best friend deserves better FUCK YOU TOMOYA YOU BITCHMADE BUSTA
I’ve been waiting for this to get subbed nice. Thank you
Yassss, Ayaka best girl! Also, I was really happy that what I deduced the two were saying was mostly correct(because I could only go off of what Ayaka was saying because I CANNOT read Kanji LOL)
Good work bro
Thanks man, couldn’t have done it without you, because I’m too lazy to spend 4 hours on it LOL
Hey admin are you the only one that translates?
Hopefully not anymore with the help of Ryushi.
Damn man. Thanks for all the hard work
thanks for ur hard work bro, glad to see that u are getting help with survive works
thanks for ur hard work translating milfs survive works
Ryushi doing the Lord’s work
I cannot take all credit for this one once again as the admin does the work of providing the transcript and my timings were off due to a mishap on my part, + I will always impart credit to the admin because it is honestly really fun working with them ^^