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why do i find this hentai to be so funny
Why is the background music so good?
This is why we were raised by the mantra “be a man” otherwise we become like this weakling here. You don’t have to be alpha all the time, just never be beta and life will go on
Yup, she definitely deserved it. They should have raped and killed her. Filthy piece of dog shit.
It’s a sexual assault. Nobody is entitled to somebody else’s body. You’re entitled to defend yourself from those who want to violate your right to have your person or property protected.
That guy made some shitty choices and he is at blame since he chose to be with shit people. No one forced him to do anything. He made that stupid decision himself.
She is at blame for choosing to be with shit people too but that doesn’t mean you can violate her body even if she is a bitch.
If you rape someone you’ll be put in prison for a long time and, if you make it out alive, ideally be castrated and ostracized from the human gene pool. Don’t use force to get what you want scumbags.
Although I agree with you in this and most situations I do disagree with that “no one deserves to be raped” part. I absolutely loathe rape but it can be used as a fitting punshiment. Like Queen Lia from the Rance seris. Granted she just enjoyed it in the end but that bitch sexually tortured girls with no regard for her victims and deserves no mercy or pity for whatever was done to her. Vengeance is always the best course for Justice and she deserved to be put through the same Hell she inflicted on others.
Another metoo American faggot. Fuck your feminazi movements and go back to fucking your pa’s thick fat ass you infidel! Go choke on a fat cock!
Sounds like another reason why we should hang fags on a tree. Throw them into the oven and gas em good!
Go back to choking on your dada’s fat cock you filthy nigger!
Say that shit again and I’ll make sure your head is on my Front stand in my car on GD
Let’s rape em all!
Good point.
I mean its not to bad the good thing is they’re still together
Man, this guy is a pussy.
The guy’s a hero! He fucking killed feminazis!
tbh bitch deserves it
Yea she does deserves it but even though the guy was acting stupid they rape his girl and he don’t deserve that so for the guy sake that shouldn’t have happened… If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t care I might as well join in on the fun
I’d tell her go ahead and hate me I hate myself for it and then I’d go home and change my clothes and go to the bleach lay in the sand while staring at the moon and cring.. Go back home in the morning and go to school cutting myself off from the world after that I’d start skipping school to improve myself and when I go back to school I’d be a completely different person.. I wouldn’t take shit from my big sister
After all that I wouldn’t want to fuck her I’d lose all respect for myself for watching my girl fucking another guy knowing she doesn’t want to do it and me watching just the thought of it makes me sick
Well at least he got what he wants a jerk off of watching his girl got rape and he got to fuck her after it all… Lol.. What am I saying I think I last some brain cells and a part of my dignity
If I where her senpai I don’t care if I don’t get to date her those guyz are going to need insurance cause I’ll be a devil they better skip town and I don’t see there face again either that or I get my ass beat up I’m only doing it to protect my pride… When I’m finish chitose is going to be my bitch she say I was her pet and she suck two guyz in front of me like a slut it’s only fair..
Ok he said he loves her and that he what’s to go out with her and she say she will if he don’t move from the spot he’s in after text messaging two random strangers for some blow job.. They ask her who’s him and she say her senpai is her pet which he’s kinda is but if he has brains it could have been the other way around but actually make me refrace that he’s not her pet cause she has feelings for him.. From the moment he fucked her he got the green light she’s in to him she’s the one who set it up so he can fuck her by blackmailing him they could get together which is what she wanted all along. Ok the two guyz cum and wanted to fuck her chitose doesn’t want that she wants to give it to the person she loves her senpai she told to don’t move and watch.. One of the guy ask him what will he do will he move and save the girl he loves from getting rape and don’t get to date her which he already his but he’s so stupid to know that or stay put and make his love get raped and get to go out with her.. In real life if a girl tells you that and got raped and you who’s so stupid to know to disobey that stupid order she made to save her after all that you won’t get to date her I the end
Alright you need to calm the fuck down that is the longest most serious comment, I’ve ever seen on a website like this.
let ’em vent. not like anyone is gonna read all the shit. fuck that lol
This is stupid that dude her senpia is stupid.. How can he sit there and watch the girl he has feelings for got raped, yea I get that she deserve it cause she ask for it when she text message those two guyz to meet up with her but that’s not the point here…OK he said that he loves her which she already know and that she’s the only one for him.. Even though she confess her feelings to him cause she clearly likes him he rejected her because he was afraid of his big sister and what she would do to him if she where to find out about his relationship with chitose ..Chitose toke his phone when he was not looking and made a plan on how she can get him to do what she wants sinse she got blackmail material from that torture picture his big sister toke of him and she already know he’ll reject her because of his relationship with his big sis….ok maybe she doesn’t know about him and his sister at first she thought he was a masochist but she saw how he acts around girls and he told her about it so she got her answer..OK the fact that he being the most or one of the most popular boy in their school since he’s a pretty boy at that meaning alot of girls likes him, he could practically have any girl he wants but my guess he distance himself from them, being around his big sis and the torture she puts him in maybe he’s afraid of being too close to girls or if they might find out his embarrassing secret..
Wow that massacred my braincells
1 out of 2 of my leftovers braincell just died
Ok this was hot
What a shitshow the collective iq of the characters in it could not have been more than 5
This was fucking funny to watch. The girl was dumber than a bag a bricks.
The whole thing started as asking out between 2 classmates, him being older apparently. so these feelings weren’t even settled yet to have any value. Then she outright said no to him asking her out. Then calls him her bitch. Tells him to not move to go out with her then proceed to BOOTY CALL 2 randoms she knows. Then gets surprised when to beat that pussy up. Calling him an idoit for doing what she said. Followed by having sex with him thus voiding the whole cucking thing, Afterwards, saying their non-existent relationship is over because he nutted. The next day, just eats her words and agrees.
Real talk, This thot needs her tubes tied. Her genes cannot be allowed to continue. hahaha XD
She’s stupid for calling those two for sure but after the rape she was rightfully angry and upset. Having sex was a way to erase the horrible experience she just had but she was still upset with him and wanted to hurt him so she didn’t feel so hurt. She didn’t mean what she said it was just said without thinking which is what a lot of people do when they’re hurt or upset or both. She’s just lucky that guy doesn’t need an apology and has some balls despite however small they are to take some initiative and continued to pursue her. To be honest he’s probably not completely brain dead and knew that which is why he ignored that order which means he understood her feelings better than she knew her own at the time.
I literally lost brain cells watching this…
this girl is a retard, she asked for it lol
She said not to intervene. It’s the shit test people! A kinky one at that and he failed miserable. Then again he is a masochist which is perfect for her to indulge her sadistic proclivities.
Yup, that’s vocab for you idiots! lol jk