28.92K 9


  • Ryushi 2 months ago

    Admin I am gonna need the raw for this, realized about 10 minutes in that I had the raw for the first one even though they dang labeled it as the second one, no website that I have searched has the raw for the second one, anywhere, otherwise I can just grab this one and cut out the intro, let me know, I wasted about 15 minutes lol

    • admin 2 months ago

      Sure I put it in /lol as raw, but the last one only got 40k views so I would prefer a different one for the next translation, how’s the day to day mom son ep 2 going?

      • Ryushi 2 months ago

        I will be honest, I forgot I even had that one, I think I have the raw for that somewhere in the folder, will find and work on that one, shouldn’t be too difficult since there are plenty of pauses inbetween the lines

        • admin 2 months ago

          I’m checking the russian one and half of it is going perfectly, seems like the new software worked out, and that episode 2 should be a safe bet in terms of popularity so I appreciate you working on that one next!

  • Ryushi 3 months ago

    Very interesting to see a spin-off of this same scenario!

    • Anonymous 3 months ago

      Why is that interesting? You just want to hear yourself speak, you’re a narcissistic creep.

  • Anonymous 3 months ago

    Ew, Yuck! Bitch is old and ugly as fuck. Couldn’t pay me to fuck an old haggard cunt like this. When women turn 30 we should put them in the mines. Out of view.

    • So you want your mother to be send to the mines

      • Anonymous 3 months ago

        I don’t have a mother. I was made in a lab. So yes, my statement stands.