I Was Spoiled By The Cheeky Little Devils And Defeated The Motion Anime 1 Subbed
89.62K 18 49
A special thanks to Ryushi for translating this! Bookmark us for more motion anime subbed! [lol]I Was Spoiled By The Cheeky Little Devils And Defeated The Motion Anime 1 Subbed[/lol]
Older Sister Who Falls For Pleasure I Cant Resist Obscene Requests For My Husband The Motion Anime 1 Raw
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[lol]Older Sister Who Falls For Pleasure I Cant Resist Obscene Requests For My Husband The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
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[lol]Even If I Go To Hell I Want To Die The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
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[lol]Spirit Offering! Oni Monogatari The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
Easy Sex If I Get Her Drunk Cousin Edition The Motion Anime 1 Subbed
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On a roll subbing these for you guys only! Bookmark us for more of these motion animes subbed! [lol]Easy Sex If I Get Her Drunk Cousin Edition The Motion Anime 1 Subbed[/lol]
A Big-Breasted Teacher At Swimming School Gets Creampie In Her Pussy And Loses Her Virginity The Motion Anime 1 Raw
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[lol]A Big-Breasted Teacher At Swimming School Gets Creampie In Her Pussy And Loses Her Virginity The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
Rejuvenated Mother Its Unfair A Nagging Aunt Turns Into A Beautiful Girl The Motion Anime 1 Raw
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[lol]Rejuvenated Mother Its Unfair A Nagging Aunt Turns Into A Beautiful Girl The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
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[lol]The Magician Tia And The Mysterious Great Library The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
A Story About A Big Tits Office Lady Who Gets Into A Flirtatious Relationship With A Guy In The Countryside And Has Sex All Summer Long The Motion Anime 1 Subbed
54.80K 8 17
A long, text heavy motion anime, translated by Ryushi! Bookmark us for more Motion Anime subbed, only here! [lol]A Story About A Big Tits Office Lady Who Gets Into A Flirtatious Relationship With A Guy In The Countryside And Has Sex All Summer Long The Motion Anime 1 Subbed[/lol]
Welcome To The Bunny Girl Cafe! The Motion Anime 1 Raw
95.25K 1 63
[lol]Welcome To The Bunny Girl Cafe! The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
Easy Sex If I Get Her Drunk Aunt Edition The Motion Anime 1 Subbed
241.51K 16 71
Subbed this for you guys! Bookmark us for more! We're the only site subbing these motion animes. [lol]Easy Sex If I Get Her Drunk Aunt Edition The Motion Anime 1 Subbed[/lol]
Sekirara Escape Shadow Girl And Obscene Car Journey The Motion Anime 1 Raw
57.36K 4 91
[lol]Sekirara Escape Shadow Girl And Obscene Car Journey The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
I got the subs, thanks Ryushi, and enjoy your break!
I took a rest before commenting, I am so glad that one is finally finished, that one had so many repetitive letters, I am hoping the next ones I do when I return from vacation, are not as much of a nightmare as that one was hahaha!
Please, learn some respect, just because you are hidden behind a screen, does not mean everything is hidden, your history, your data, that’s all existent, imagine, that someone stumbles upon this and it prevents you from having a good future job, every action has an equal consequence and reward, I implore you to shape yourself up and stop going down such a dark path, I really hope you do not carry yourself the same way you do here in person, because you will go nowhere if you do… Be more respectful and earnest towards others and you’ll see a positive change in your life
I got so hyper focused on figuring out this translation that I just realized 2 hours have passed, oops, I’m around half way done… I tried 29 different translators and came up with the same translations each time, so I changed it to what I FEEL fits, the translation was binbin janai which roughly translates, for 29 different translators, not bing bing, rofl, I hope my translation works for those who see it when released by admin!
You’re quite a hard worker, I recommend just deepl for most of my translating
Hard worker, perfectionist, don’t really work well together lol! But I appreciate the compliment! Yeah I decided not to try deepl this time in an effort to see if maybe, just maybe I can do the translation and timing in a faster time frame, hard to judge it with all the delays I have run into though! Lol
While translating this, I found out something out about the office lady I didn’t expect, she’s lazy! You’ll see in the translation when you read it hahaha!! I am actually enjoying it even more with the translation, funny!
Admin, if I could suggest a slight title change? “A Story About A Big Tits Office Lady Who Gets Into A Flirtatious Relationship With A Guy In The Countryside And Has Creampie Sex All Summer Long The Motion Anime” that’s how it translated for me, sideways text is so wonky lol
I apologize for the late response, still taking care of some issues with the site haha, and these titles are usually long and unread so not sure if it would matter much!
Lol no need to apologize, and that is very fair
You said that the site video is 5 seconds off from the raw, correct? do you mean 0.500 or 05.000? just to clarify
5.0 the scribe site has a sync for that too, the clip in front of all videos is 5 seconds long
Ohhhh okay, so i was actually testing out translating while doing the timing, using 2 different translators, and I will just move every time back 5 seconds, I was doing this one cause I enjoyed it lol, but taking my time on it
Ah that might take quite a bit of extra time, might make more sense to download the raw from another site first, if you’d like I can give you the software i use to rip the japanese text, then you have everything you need to translate as you want. I’ll put it in lol, and for raw motion anime you can check hentaisun
youll have to open the software, takes a minute, click the bottom left and set it to english, then select accurate rip, and also its useful to encode the video to 1fps so the software doesnt pick up duplicate lines
Oh awesome, I can try that later, i am taking a roughly 12 hour break lol, my head hurts today, I shut the business down for the day too, just relaxing all day
True i need a break too hahaha, but yea if you get software working, and get a few raws, you can do the whole thing and let me know here if youd like me to upload the subbed version, it’ll be a huge help and viewers would appreciate it I’m sure.
Gonna take a couple more days, running a fever of 102.6, looks like a pretty bad illness, will resume earlier if feeling better sooner, I was able to get the program to work, so that’s a plus, I probably won’t be on to see the next few releases due to this, but will comment and like when I get back
Ah sickness comes so randomly, sorry to hear that and take care! Ironically I haven’t been feeling well either the past week but figured out the issue.
Nasty old fat hag. 0/10. Yuck!
This kind of comment is misleading, and overall, just hilarious in 2024, fat shaming, when she’s not even fat, all women, past the age of 30, have some form of body fat, it’s natural, and you shaming it means you’ll never get a woman in your life, she’s not a hag, and definitely not nasty, she’s young and beautiful, probably around the age of 32, let me explain why she’s better than a younger girl, she’s already got her life figured out, she’s a hard working woman who works for a large company, she’s got them child bearing hips and big breasts that are perfect for paizuri and or breast feeding, whatever suits your taste, a baseless rude comment like this tells me you didn’t even try to watch the video, at all lol. Please ignore the comment above my reply as it is misleading and does not give any constructive input whatsoever
Spoken like a true beta cuck.
Lol this made me laugh, a beta cuck is someone who hides behind a anonymous name trying to incite anger or sadness in others, oh wait, that’s you LOL just enjoy your own preferences, don’t ever bash others for theirs, because if all you do is spend time smashing other’s dreams, you’ll end up smashing your own. Please improve upon yourself, be more constructive
Very zen haha
I try to remain professional in most aspects, though on a website like this professional-casual is fine(use of slang and such are permitted)
it ain’t about fat shaming… but still, she ain’t even fat.
100% with a quintuple C!
Let’s gooo!! I saw the side text and I was like “Well, that’s gonna be a fun translation” LOL! My sensus on this one below Woman gets a solid 10/10 from me, I don’t mind a little meat on the bones, and she’s hitting all my preferences, she seems quick witted too, I like hot women, but not bimbos, the animation is a solid 8/10, not janky, not rushed, solid 9/10 overall!
I will still keep it at a solid 9/10 but I do have to mention I was slightly wrong on the janky comment, the titty in the air was a bit janky, but I still enjoyed every scene regardless!