February 26, 2013

Hentai: 15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki

Genres: , , , , , ,

1.96M 254


  • The Great Cocksby 11 years ago

    One day stepford wives will exist….I pray its soon….so tired of the hopeless lot that are females….

  • Theonewhocameandsawandsaidwtfisthisbullshit 11 years ago


    • YfuckUcare 11 years ago

      Dude wtf is with the name is what I want to know

      • TheOneWhoCameAndSawAndSaidWtfIsThisBullShit 11 years ago

        I’m a realise i give people the truth.

    • Korean Guy Lovin' Korean Food 11 years ago

      I read Japan is the only place to legalize child pornography. Before you blow a fuse, let me explain. I’m not sure if it is statistically proven but it has said to reduce child predatorial crimes. Why? Think about it, in the US they do it because they there is no outlet. If it is legalized they know what its like WITHOUT them going out and getting in trouble trying to sooth their sexual fantasies. I don’t support neither does UN, US, or most people and we’ve been trying to get them to remove this allowance. I don’t support it but lolita (there’s a fine line for that) is fine by me. It’s all animation anyways. They are all fictional (mostly and hopefully) and are made only for entertainment. However you put that into context is entirely up to you.

      • Korean Guy Lovin' Korean Food 11 years ago

        Crud typo. Extra ‘they’ near end of 5th sentence…

    • i’d say she’s 10-12 because 8yr olds don’t have breasts

      • bitch please 11 years ago

        She may be 13 which is technically a teen

        • The great anonymus dick 10 years ago

          she is a child

          • the war 10 years ago

            she’s no child man…….. look all sense of her innocence as a child went out the window when her draws came down n my dick went up, i’m no pedo, i dont excited ovr children so theres no way she is on

    • Anonymous 9 years ago


  • Dayum! 11 years ago


  • anonymous 123 11 years ago

    is there anyone who can tell me what the next episode is called?? cant seem to find it anywhere.

    • Outlaw__darksoul 10 years ago

      There isn’t one I have looked it up there is only these three

  • Admit it you push the that says pull 11 years ago

    I only like the ending song

  • the 3rd and 2nd ep. switched

  • mrsgt 11 years ago

    hell yeah dude u the man ;D

  • When give myself lemons i fuk u with em 11 years ago


  • AnEvenLongerNameThanTheNameThatWasShownBeforeThatMakesNoSenceAtAllWithTheNamePaulAtTheEndPaul 11 years ago

    LoL Read The Name And Laugh.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    why does the video have to buffer every 5 sec -_-

    • Anonymous9001 11 years ago

      use source 2 and maybe your internet sucks

    • Naughty Pussy 11 years ago

      try source 2 start the video then go do something else for a couple minutes then come back. mine did that too that usually helps

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    his child…….. Fuuuuuuuuu

  • hamza 11 years ago

    is the source 2 button under the video the second ova

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Excelente. Me encanto.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    It sucks how he always thinks its a dream in the end of every episode

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


  • im the motherf**king boss 11 years ago

    The sub keeps poping up befor the talk

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    lol at 85 D Bra size that robot girl claims to have. The number on a bra size refers to how big the girl is around the rib cage, underneath the breasts themselves. A girl who was 85 D would be obese! Not to mention bra sizes are always even numbers anyway (34, 36, 40 etc.) Guess the script writer is totally ignorant on such things.

    • tu madre 11 years ago

      looks like someone can’t take a joke

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      It’s in centimeters 85D in Japan -> 34C in the US.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      She isn’t using imperial units you moron. 85 cm was what she was saying.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      they use centimeters in japan stupid

      • Xaria 10 years ago

        The limit of liability will be shown on the declarations page. The limit of insurance Quotes Chimp liability for uninsured motorist cov�erage is shown on the declarations page just as it is in the liability portion of the policy. Thus, “$15,000/$30,000” on the decla�rations page means $15,000 maximum coverage per individual and a maximum of $30,000 total per covered accident.

    • Not really 11 years ago

      She was clearly talking about her chest size. If she measures 85 then that means It’s 85 cm around her upper body

    • Mista penus 10 years ago

      Look guys a tits is a tits NONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT THE SIZE AS LONG AS ITS BIGGGGG!!!!!

    • U guys are fuckin pedo files 10 years ago


  • حارث 11 years ago


  • Ran->Sem 11 years ago

    OMG Soo delicious!

  • seong 11 years ago


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